SmartAss's Profile


52,423 battle wins
5,740 of 7,686 unique Pokémon
494,600,199 total experience
84,547 average experience
5,324,097.0 points
Ranked 101st in the world
Ranked 3rd in Netherlands
1,652 of 2,122 sidequests completed
61,897,170 in the bank
Never placed in a season


Member account
Registered on May 17, 2015
Last logged in June 13, 2023
Currently not online
Member of Pokemon Vortex [PV]
Followed by 454 players
Following 122 players

SmartAss's Team

Josh Smells Terrible
Level: 100 HP: 400
Exp: 2,390,486
Super Sonic
Level: 100 HP: 400
Exp: 58,645
Shadow Realm Ruler
Level: 100 HP: 400
Exp: 79,532
Five arms are not enough
Level: 100 HP: 400
Exp: 1,336,150
Shiny Zeraora
Level: 100 HP: 500
Exp: 50,000
The Landlord
Level: 100 HP: 400
Exp: 50,500
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