squiggle's Profile


13,234 battle wins
9 of 7,692 unique Pokémon
661,448 total experience
73,494 average experience
6,277.0 points
Ranked 72,956th in the world
Ranked 1,503rd in Singapore
25 of 2,122 sidequests completed
15,888,936 in the bank
Never placed in a season


Member account
Registered on October 21, 2014
Last logged in December 05, 2022
Currently not online
Member of Team Squiggle [TS]
Followed by 163 players
Following 0 players

squiggle's Team

Mystic Charizard (Mega X)
Level: 100 HP: 400
Exp: 51,610
Mystic Aggron (Mega)
Level: 100 HP: 400
Exp: 51,307
Mystic Feraligatr
Level: 100 HP: 400
Exp: 121,071
Mystic Blastoise (Mega)
Level: 100 HP: 400
Exp: 101,906
Mystic Blastoise
Level: 100 HP: 400
Exp: 51,133
Mystic Dusknoir
Level: 100 HP: 400
Exp: 129,407
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