tetefanoz's Profile


584 battle wins
196 of 7,698 unique Pokémon
4,413,813 total experience
19,107 average experience
25,898.1 points
Ranked 33,164th in the world
Ranked 8,446th in Peru
57 of 2,122 sidequests completed
258,927 in the bank
Never placed in a season


Member account
Registered on October 21, 2014
Last logged in December 08, 2023
Currently not online
Followed by 20 players
Following 0 players

tetefanoz's Team

Shiny Pangoro
Level: 100 HP: 500
Exp: 110,507
Mystic Swampert (Mega)
Level: 100 HP: 400
Exp: 187,150
Shiny Corviknight
Level: 100 HP: 500
Exp: 128,811
Shiny Gyarados
Level: 100 HP: 500
Exp: 90,812
Shiny Noivern
Level: 100 HP: 500
Exp: 80,956
Charizard (Mega X)
Level: 100 HP: 400
Exp: 211,355
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